Rabu, 25 September 2013

puisi untuk ibu

ibu . . .
engkau bagaikan matahari
yang selalu menghangatkan hari-hariku
kata-katamu bagaikan air
yang selalu mengalir di pikiranku
    hatimu bagaikan samudra yang luas
    yang tak pernah henti membuka maaf untukku
    nasihatmu bagikan embun
    yang selalu ada di setiap hari-hariku
ibu . . .
engkau bagaikan malaikat bagiku
yang selalu melindungiku

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

klasifikasi tumbuhan dan hewan


Kingdom : animalia
Filum : chordata
Kelas :  mammalia
Ordo : primata
Famili : pongiidae
Genus :  pongo
Spesies : pongo pygmaeus
Habitat asli : terdapat di benua Asia, terutama di Indonesia
Ciri-ciri :
·        Termasuk hewan vivipar
·        Termasuk hewan omnivora
·        Berkembang biak dengan cara beranak

7. HARIMAU (P. Tigris)

Klasifikasi Harimau

kingdom  : Animalia
Phylum  : Chordata
Class  : Mamalia
Family : Felidae
Ordo  : Carnivora
Genus  : Panthera
Species  : P. Tigris

Habitat asli : berasal dari Asia timur dan selatan
Ciri-ciri :
·        Termasuk hewan vivipar
·        Termasuk hewan karnivora
·        Berkembang biak dengan cara beranak

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgjw2I7KbAsC84roWRJZAJWjIjGiegoeIkPjP6MkFfWGiJj4AkgqGZ0sZGcSMDwNjBu81tBNThOgWgFMoHZMc2TVcH2veaJJFwqUoAy9lW3-vEl45oyt8zk4Tnv9g5Y5MLHPRtcdMhxuL4/s200/021.jpeg8. GAJAH (elephas maximus)

Klasifikasi Gajah

kindom   : animalia
fylum      : chordata
class       : mamalia
ordo       : probescideae
genus      : elepas
species    : elephas maximus
Habitat asli : berasal dari benua Asia dan Afrika
Ciri-ciri :
·        Termasuk hewan vivipar
·        Termasuk hewan herbivora
·        Berkembang biak dengan cara beranak
·        Memiliki ukuran tubuh yang besar

9. IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio Linn)

Klasifikasi Ikan mas
Kingdom : animalia
Phyllum: Chordata
Class : Osteichthyes
Ordo : Cypriniformes
Family : Cyprinidae
genus : Cyprinus
species : Cyprinus carpio Linn.
Habitat asli : berada di seluruh dunia
Ciri-ciri :
·        Termasuk hewan ovipar
·        Termasuk hewan omnivora
·        Berkembang biak dengan cara bertelur
·        Hidup di air

Nymphaea alba6. TERATAI PUTIH(Nymphaea alba L)

Klasifikasi Teratai Putih

Kingdom: Plantae
Divisi: Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
 Kelas: Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua / dikotil)
 Ordo: Nymphaeales
  Famili: Nymphaeaceae
  Genus: Nymphaea
  Spesies: Nymphaea alba L.

Habitat asli : tersebar di benua amerika
Ciri-ciri :
·        Hidup di air
·        Berdaun lebar
·        Dapat mengambang di air

Musa paradisiaca 7. Pisang (Musa paradisiaca)

Klasifikasi Pisang

Kingdom: Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Divisi: Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas: Liliopsida (berkeping satu / monokotil)
Ordo: Zingiberales
Famili: Musaceae (suku pisang-pisangan)
Genus: Musa
Spesies: Musa paradisiacal
Habitat asli : berasal dari Indonesia
Ciri-ciri :
·        Hidup di darat
·        Berdaun lebar dan batang berlapis lilin
·        Memiliki banyak manfaat bagi manusia

10. KUCING (F.Silvestris)

klasifikasi kucing
Kerajaan : Animalia
Filum  : Chordata
Kelas : Mamalia
Ordo : Karnivora
Famili : Felidae
Genus : Felis
Spesies : F.Silvestris
Habitat asli : berasal dari benua Afrika dan sekitarnya
Ciri-ciri :
·        Termasuk hewan vivipar
·        Termasuk hewan herbivora
·        Berkembang biak dengan cara beranak

8. MAWAR (Rosa sp)

Klasifikasi mawar

Kingdom: Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Divisi: Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Super Divisi: Angiospermae
Kelas: Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua / dikotil)
Ordo: Rosales
Famili: Rosaceae
Genus: Rosa
Spesies: Rosa sp

Habitat asli : berasal dari benua Asia
Ciri-ciri :
·        Hidup di darat
·        Berdaun menjari
·        Batangnya berduri
·        Termasuk tumbuhan dikotil

9. Kelapa  (Cocos nucifera L.)

Klasifikasi kelapa
Kingdom: Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Divisi: Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas: Liliopsida (berkeping satu / monokotil)
Ordo: Arecales
Famili: Arecaceae (suku pinang-pinangan)
Genus: Cocos
Spesies: Cocos nucifera L.

Habitat asli : berasal dari pesisir Samudera Hindia di sisi Asia, namun kini telah menyebar luas di seluruh pantai tropika dunia.
Ciri-ciri :
·        Hidup di darat
·        Berdaun sejajar
·        Termasuk tumbuhan monokotil

10. Nanas (Ananas comosus Merr)

Klasifikasi nanas
Kingdom: Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Divisi: Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
 Kelas: Liliopsida (berkeping satu / monokotil)
 Ordo: Bromeliales
Famili: Bromeliaceae
Genus: Ananas
 Spesies: Ananas comosus Merr

Habitat asli : berasal dari Brazil
Ciri-ciri :
·        Hidup di darat
·        Berdaun sejajar
·        Termasuk tumbuhan monokotil

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

pidato bahasa inggris

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Good morning everyone today I will talking about “ how to become a good student with prestigious achievement”.  Before I talking about that I want to introduce my self, my name is Sella Listiyanti from Perintis senior high school.
First of all let us give thanks to Allah Swt, because we can be here in good health condition. Salawat and salam don’t forget we says to prophet Muhammad Saw. do not forget I want to thank my teachers who have helped me in this speech contest. I would also like to thank the jury for giving me the opportunity to be here. and I want to say thank’s to my friends and to all the attendees who were present here.
I think to be a good student we do not have to always get an award or rank in class. But to be a good student we should be able to do everything to the fullest also never say give up even if it fails, besides that we also have to have good manners to the people around us.
I think “ prestigious achievement” is not necessarily always publicized award like winning a race or getting the best ratings in the class. The prestigious award but also can be a good attitude to the people around us, and strive to be the best without having to win a nice trophy. other than that we should be able to be an easy person to get along and be able to be a pride for others.
The following struck me as being a good student with a prestigious achievement :
1. we should be able to mingle among the people around us and we were able to bring him wherever he is.
2. good student should have a good behavior and can keep the attitude in others.
3. always do everything to the maximum.
4. always looking forward and trying to be the best.
5. never give up and always optimistic about what he does.

so, to be a good student we do not have to be a champion, but we must always be a person who can be a pride for others.  the quotes that I can convey "think a to be the best, do your best and you will get the best".  so that I can say, I I apologize if there is a wrong.   Thank you for your attention

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb